1. janvier 2021

SERVA - Tools for Western blotting

Western blotting (protein blotting or immunoblotting) is a rapid and sensitive assay for detection and characterization of proteins. It is based on the principle of immunochromatography where proteins are separated into polyacrylamide gel according to their molecular weight.

5-minute blocking – for best results in Western blotting experiments BlueBlock PF

  • Complete blocking of the membrane surface in only 5 minutes
  • For background free antibody detection reactions
  • Protein-free, 10fold concentrated solution
  • Suitable for all detection methods and ELISA

APPLICATION NOTE: BlueBlock PF (10x) for Blotting and ELISA

Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
BlueBlock PF (10x),for Blotting and ELISA SER42591.01 250ML 82.00
BlueBlock PF (10x),for Blotting and ELISA SER42591.02 1L 255.30
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

From protein to membrane in only 40 minutes

Combine BlueBlock PF with SERVAGel™ HSE mini vertical ready-to-use gels for the separation of your samples in 20 minutes (10cm x 10cm with 10, 12 or 15 sample wells) and the Xpress Botting Kit for homogeneous and complete transfer in 15 minutes onto NC or PVDF membranes:

  • SERVAGel™ HSE - 20 min
  • Xpress Blotting - 15 min
  • BlueBlock PF - 5 min
  • Total process done - 40 min

SERVAGel™ Neutral HSE

Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,15 sample wells SER43249.01 10GELS 252.20
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,12 sample wells SER43245.01 10GELS 252.20
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,10 sample wells SER43246.01 10GELS 252.20
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,2D-Well SER43247.01 10GELS 252.20
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

Xpress Blotting Kit

for fast Semi-Dry Western Blotting of 10 vertical mini SDS PAGE gels.

Kit contains:
250ml of 10x SERVA Xpress Blotting Buffer, 20x Blotting Fleece sheets (size 80x85 mm) and 10x Connection Paper (size 80x85 mm)

Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
Xpress Blotting Kit,for Western Blotting SER42662.01 1KIT 114.50
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

BlueClear SB for antibody stripping

  • Ready-to-use buffer for efficient stripping of high-affinity antibodies
  • Gentle, fast, simple – incubate the membrane for 30 minutes at RT
  • Without β-mercaptoethanol or DTT
  • Suitable for nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
BlueClear SB,for antibody stripping SER42599.02 1L 185.70
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

SERVA VisiBlot Standard I

  • Ready-to-use, no reconstitution, further dilution or heating required
  • Prestained bands for monitoring electrophoresis and membrane transfer
  • Visualization of marker proteins on Western Blots by horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase-based immune-detection methods (7 bands at 25 kDa, 40 kDa, 60 kDa, 75 kDa, 90 kDa, 120 kDa, and 150 kDa)
  • Molecular weight determination of proteins detected on transfer membrane (3 bands at 25 kDa, 45 kDa, and 85 kDa)
  • For 100 lanes (mini gel format)
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
SERVA VisiBlot Standard I, SER39260.01 500µL 450.20
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

You’ll find more information in Western Blotting brochure from SERVA.

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Molar Mass Calculator

Please enter a molecular formula (case-sensitive: Co = Cobalt, CO = Carbon monoxide) and press "calculate" to get the total molar mass.

Unit Converter

Please select a unit category and the units for conversion.

Periodic Table

Enter the name or symbol of an atom to get detailed information about it.

Atomic number
Conv. atomic weight
Std. atomic weight
First ionization energy
Electro­negativity (Pauling)

PPM to mg/L

The relation between PPM (Parts per Million) and mg/L is dependent on the solute density. Enter the ppm and the solute desity values to find the mg/L ratio.

If you already know the mg/L ratio of your solution, you can also use this PPM to mg/L converter to calculate the molarity This parameter describes the number of moles in a liter of the solution and is expressed in molars (1 M = mol/L).
