1. février 2025

Save CHF 50.- on Cusabio 96T Promotional ELISA Kits

From 1st Feb. to 30th Apr. 2025, limited special offer for 853 ELISA Kits. from CUSABIO

By ordering these kit with 96T, CHF 50.-/kit will be deducted.
Pls kindly note the bulk package 5X96T and 10X96T are not included this promotion.

Just scan the QR Code to view the full product list

See the 853 kits included in this promotional offer

and use the code CUSABIO50 to get your discount !

Terms and Conditions: Offer valid from 01.02.25 until 30.04.25

Prices are net, excluding VAT.

This promotion can’t be combined with any other ongoing discounts or offer

Click here to download the flyer : CUSABIO CHF 50 Off each 96 T promotional ELISA kit

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Molar Mass Calculator

Please enter a molecular formula (case-sensitive: Co = Cobalt, CO = Carbon monoxide) and press "calculate" to get the total molar mass.

Unit Converter

Please select a unit category and the units for conversion.

Periodic Table

Enter the name or symbol of an atom to get detailed information about it.

Atomic number
Conv. atomic weight
Std. atomic weight
First ionization energy
Electro­negativity (Pauling)

PPM to mg/L

The relation between PPM (Parts per Million) and mg/L is dependent on the solute density. Enter the ppm and the solute desity values to find the mg/L ratio.

If you already know the mg/L ratio of your solution, you can also use this PPM to mg/L converter to calculate the molarity This parameter describes the number of moles in a liter of the solution and is expressed in molars (1 M = mol/L).
