10. mai 2021

Cell Culture and Cell Biology

Discover our large product range for your Cell Culture & Cell Biology product needs.

We offer the following brands:
Biotium, Canvax, Cayman, Corning, Corning Media, Eurobio, Falcon, Innovative Cell Technologies, PAN-Biotech, Polyplus transfection, Polysciences, ScienCell and many more...

3D & Organoids cell culture

Hydrogels for 3D cell-culture

  • Matrigel® Matrix as well as other ECM proteins (collagens, laminin, synthetic matrices, ...) and new Matrigel® Matrix for Organoid Culture Phenol-Red Free
  • Ready-to-use 3D spheroid kits, several models available (cerebral cortex, Blood Brain Barrier, liver respiratory system, ...)

Porous membranes

  • Transwell® inserts and HTS Plates
  • Alvetex scaffold: natural tissue-like structure that enables the cells to function in a more physiologically relevant pattern

Ultra Low Attachment (ULA) microplates: 3D spheroid formation and generation of a single 3D uniform spheroid per well with reproducible size

New Elplasia Plates: enables to generate a high density of spheroids in a scaffold-free model using microcavity technology

Media, Supplements, Buffers & Reagents

Broad range of classical media (DMEM, RPMI, Ham’s F-12, …)

  • in liquid or powder form
  • various formulations and pack sizes

All reagents and buffers for cell culture

Cell dissociation/separation

  • Accutase® a smooth alternative to trypsin for sensitive cells, FACS or receptor studies
    Free sample available - ask us!
  • Pancoll polysaccharide solutions for human, mouse or rat blood cell separations
  • classical enzymes (Collagenase, Trypsin)

Growth factors: hormones, cytokines, chemokines, human or animal

Cell specific media: basal media or kits incl. media, pre-tested FBS and growth suppl.

Serum free media

  • for different cell types (HEK-293, CHO, keratinocytes, Vero cells, lymphocytes, hybridoma cell lines,…)
  • for routine cultures or bioprocesses (protein, antibody or virus production)

Customized media

FBS and Serum replacements

Classical Fetal Bovine Sera

  • several origins (South America, USA, Australia, …)
  • different treatments (i.e. tet-negative, ultra low IgG, heat-inactivated, dialyzed, delipidized, …)

Filtrated Bovine Serum, a cost effective alternative to FBS suitable for many cells types

FBS Gold, a solution of BSA solution has been added to enhance the stability and robustness

  • reproducible enhanced growth properties
  • eliminates batch-to-batch variation

FBS Supreme, single components naturally present in the serum are enriched in a higher quality leading to a more defined product

  • batch validations are not anymore needed

FBS Active, 80% of the FBS is replaced by chemically defined components. The reproducibility of your cell culture experiments or processes can be improved tremendously.

Panexin Basic contains purified proteins, lipids, salts, amino acids, trace elements, hormones and a 3-dimensional substrate release system in an optimized fomulation

  • for the cultivation of a variety of adherent and non-adherent cells
  • useful to develop sensitive cell-based in vitro tests and co-culture procedures

Panexin NTA, fully defined serum substitute for the cultivation of adherent cells

Panexin NTS, fully defined serum substitute for cultivation of suspension cells

Panexin CD contains only chemically defined components for the cultivation of adherent and non-adherent cells

  • highest reproducibility from lot to lot and simplified downstream processing

Human platelet lysate (hPL) is a xeno-free alternative to FBS as well as human serum for in vivo wound ealing and tissue repair, but also for the expansion of human cells in vitro.

Human and animal Sera

Serum free media

  • for different cell types (HEK-293, CHO, keratinocytes, Vero cells)

Pan-Biotech Catalog

Cells and Tissues


  • Human and animal primary cells, fresh or frozen suitable for R&D, drug discovery, pharmacology & toxicology


  • Fresh or cryopreserved
  • Human and Animal
  • HepaRG™, the human hepatic stem cell line

Human and animal tissues

  • Skin Tissues
  • cells & fractions for permeability, toxicology or metabolism research

Biologic fluids

SILENSOMES One single model for DMPK phenotyping studies


DNA transfection reagent: jetOPTIMUS®

  • high efficiency
  • cost-effective
  • also suitable for hard-to-transfect-cells
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
- PPT117-01 - - -
- PPT117-07 - - -
- PPT117-15 - - -
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

siRNA/miRNA transfection reagent: INTERFERin®

  • high Silencing efficiency
  • low off-target effects
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
- PPT409-01 - - -
- PPT409-10 - - -
- PPT409-50 - - -
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

versatile DNA/siRNA tansfection reagent: jetPRIME®

  • high DNA transfection efficiency
  • low amounts of nucleic acid
  • superior cell viability
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
- PPT114-01 - - -
- PPT114-07 - - -
- PPT114-15 - - -
- PPT114-75 - - -
- PPT712-60 - - -
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

mRNA transfection reagent: jetMESSENGER®

  • unmatched transfection efficiency
  • extremely gentle on the cells
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
- PPT150-01 - - -
- PPT150-07 - - -
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

in-vivo nucleic acid delivery: In-vivo jetPEI®

  • easy and safe DNA, siRNA or mRNA delivery method
  • convenient to any animal model
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
- PPT201-10G - - -
- PPT201-50G - - -
- PPT202-10G - - -
- PPT203-10G - - -
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

in vivo mRNA transfection reagent for vaccination: In-vivo jetRNA®

  • safe: maintain healthy animals and organs
  • time-saving: ready-to-use reagent with easy protocol
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
- PPT204-03 - - -
- PPT204-10 - - -
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

Cell biology assays

Viability Study: Resazurin, MTT, XTT, ATP-Glo

Apoptose: Caspase, Annexin, TUNEL assays

Reporter gene assays: firefly/renilla luciferase assays, Galactosidase assays, SEAP reporter gene assays

Metabolite quantitation Kits: cholesterol, free fatty acids, triglycerides, …

Stress oxidative assays

ELISA kits: Ready-to-use or Do-It-Yourself kits

Organel studies:

  • mitochondries (MitoView, JC-1, …)
  • ucleus (DAPI, Red-Dot, Hoechst dyes, …)
  • lysosome (LysoView)
  • cytoskelet (Phalloidins)

Fluorescent ion and pH indicators

Membrane potential dyes

Disposable labware

High-quality disposable plastic ware for cell culture

  • Flasks, dishes, microplates, scrapers, …
  • Different treatments available for adaptability to any cell types: Not-treated, TC-treated, Ultra Low Attachement, pre-coated

Liquid handling

  • pipettors, pipet controller, aspirators, plate washer, serological pipets, filtration systems, centrifuge tubes, bottles, sterile racked filter tips,…

Plastic ware for Bioprocess

  • Erlenmeyer (from 125ml to 5L), stackable cell culture flasks (up to 25‘440cm2), Roller bottles, Bioreactors (from 50ml to 36L), Microcarriers for bioprocess scale-up: available with 4 surface treatments

Cryogenic vials and accessories

  • cryogenic vials with external or internal thread, racks and storage boxes, CoolCell, CoolBox and CoolRacks for a consistent and reproducible cooling or temperature control

Cell Strainers for cell isolation from tissues

Benchtop equipment

  • Centrifugation equipment (micro- or mini centrifuge, high speed micro centrifuge, compact centrifuges, …)
  • Vortex mixers, platform or 3D shakers, Tube roller or rotator, Magnetic & hotplate stirrers
  • Cell Counter
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
Corning® Cell Counter CNE6749-1ea 1ea 4'329.80
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

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Molar Mass Calculator

Please enter a molecular formula (case-sensitive: Co = Cobalt, CO = Carbon monoxide) and press "calculate" to get the total molar mass.

Unit Converter

Please select a unit category and the units for conversion.

Periodic Table

Enter the name or symbol of an atom to get detailed information about it.

Atomic number
Conv. atomic weight
Std. atomic weight
First ionization energy
Electro­negativity (Pauling)

PPM to mg/L

The relation between PPM (Parts per Million) and mg/L is dependent on the solute density. Enter the ppm and the solute desity values to find the mg/L ratio.

If you already know the mg/L ratio of your solution, you can also use this PPM to mg/L converter to calculate the molarity This parameter describes the number of moles in a liter of the solution and is expressed in molars (1 M = mol/L).
