10. Februar 2025

Special pricing on single- and multi-channel pipettors

Corning® Lambda™ EliteTouch™ at special discounted prices !
Offer valid until 31.03.2025

Effortless Pipetting and Reliable Results

◗ Ergonomic handle design, perfect fit for both the right and left hand

◗ Convenient one-hand volume setting with auto-lock system prevents accidental volume change during work

◗ 4-digit counter provides greater precision, visible at all times

◗ Single-channel pipettors compatible with very narrow tubes

◗ Fully autoclavable and UV-resistant for sample protection against contaminations

◗ Unique ejector lever system enables effortless tip ejection

◗ Easy in-lab calibration helps you quickly adjust your pipettor to various liquid types

◗ Individually tested and supplied with a certificate of quality

◗ 3-year warranty


Lambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 0.1-2 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6051-1eaLambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 0.5-10 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6052-1eaLambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 2-20 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6053-1eaLambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 5-50 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6054-1eaLambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 10-100 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6055-1eaLambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 20-200 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6056-1eaLambda EliteTouch single-channel pipettor 100-1000 μLCHF 152.00
CNE6057-1eaLambda EliteTouch 8-channel pipettor 0.5-10 μLCHF 420.00
CNE6058-1eaLambda EliteTouch 8-channel pipettor 5-50 μLCHF 420.00
CNE6059-1eaLambda EliteTouch 8-channel pipettor 10-200 μLCHF 420.00
CNE6061-1eaLambda EliteTouch 12-channel pipettor 0.5-10 μLCHF 440.00
CNE6063-1eaLambda EliteTouch 12-channel pipettor 10-200 μLCHF 440.00
CNE6064-1eaLambda EliteTouch 12-channel pipettor 30-300 μLCHF 440.00
CNE6065-1eaCorning Lambda EliteTouch Starter KitCHF 480.00

Axygen® HybridRack™ Pipet Tips

Take Care of the Environment with Axygen® HybridRack™ Pipet Tips

  • Allows pipetting directly from the recyclable paperboard base
  • Compatible with single- and multi-channel pipettors

The HybridRack packaging format exchanges the plastic base of the pipet tip rack with a high quality, fully recyclable, paperboard base. It utilizes the polypropylene deck from our established and trusted Axygen MultiRack and Corning® DeckWorks™ product lines in conjunction with the new paperboard base to create a stable, sustainable pipetting platform. End users can pipet directly from the HybridRack with a single- or multi-channel pipettor, finish a rack of tips, and simply recycle the HybridRack in their curbside recycling bin.

Racked, Filtered, Axygen Maxymum Recovery® surface

AXYERF-10XT-L-R-S10 μL HybridRack extended length filtered tip, racked, Maxymum Recovery
surface, sterile
AXYERF-20-L-R-S20 μL HybridRack filtered tip, racked, Maxymum Recovery surface, sterile
AXYERF-100-L-R-S100μL HybridRack filtered tip, racked, Maxymum Recovery surface, sterile
AXYERF-200NX-L-R-S200 μL HybridRack filtered tip, racked, Maxymum Recovery surface, sterile
AXYERF-300XT-L-R-S300 μL HybridRack extended length filtered tip, racked, low binding,
Maxymum Recovery surface, sterile
AXYERF-1000XT-L-R-S1000 μL HybridRack extended length filtered tip, racked, Maxymum Recovery
surface, sterile

Racked, Filtered

AXYERF-10XT-R-S10 μL HybridRack extended length filtered tip, racked, sterile
AXYERF-20-R-S20 μL HybridRack filtered tip, racked, sterile
AXYERF-100-R-S100 μL HybridRack filtered tip, racked, sterile
AXYERF-200NX-R-S200 μL HybridRack filtered tip, racked, sterile
AXYERF-300XT-R-S300 μL HybridRack extended length filtered tip, racked, sterile
AXYERF-1000XT-R-S1000 μL HybridRack extended length filtered tip, racked, sterile

Racked, Non-filtered

AXYER-10XT-R-S10 μL HybridRack extended length tip, racked, sterile
AXYER-200-R-S200 μL HybridRack tip, racked, sterile
AXYER-300NX-R-S300 μL HybridRack tip, racked, sterile
AXYER-300XT-R-S300 μL HybridRack extended length tip, racked, sterile
AXYER-1000XT-R-S1000 μL HybridRack extended length tip, racked, sterile

Terms and Conditions: Offer valid from 01.02.2025 until 31.03.2025

Prices are net, excluding VAT.

This promotion can’t be combined with any other ongoing discounts or offer

Click here to download the flyer : Special offer Corning Lambda Elite Touch Pipettors


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Molar Mass Calculator

Please enter a molecular formula (case-sensitive: Co = Cobalt, CO = Carbon monoxide) and press "calculate" to get the total molar mass.

Unit Converter

Please select a unit category and the units for conversion.

Periodic Table

Enter the name or symbol of an atom to get detailed information about it.

Konv. Atomgewicht
Std. Atomgewicht
Erste Ionisierungs­energie
Elektro­negativität (Pauling)

PPM to mg/L

The relation between PPM (Parts per Million) and mg/L is dependent on the solute density. Enter the ppm and the solute desity values to find the mg/L ratio.

If you already know the mg/L ratio of your solution, you can also use this PPM to mg/L converter to calculate the molarity This parameter describes the number of moles in a liter of the solution and is expressed in molars (1 M = mol/L).
