1. Januar 2021

SERVA - Tools for Western blotting

Western blotting (protein blotting or immunoblotting) is a rapid and sensitive assay for detection and characterization of proteins. It is based on the principle of immunochromatography where proteins are separated into polyacrylamide gel according to their molecular weight.

5-minute blocking – for best results in Western blotting experiments BlueBlock PF

  • Complete blocking of the membrane surface in only 5 minutes
  • For background free antibody detection reactions
  • Protein-free, 10fold concentrated solution
  • Suitable for all detection methods and ELISA

APPLICATION NOTE: BlueBlock PF (10x) for Blotting and ELISA

Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
BlueBlock PF (10x),for Blotting and ELISA SER42591.01 250ML 82.00
BlueBlock PF (10x),for Blotting and ELISA SER42591.02 1L 255.30
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

From protein to membrane in only 40 minutes

Combine BlueBlock PF with SERVAGel™ HSE mini vertical ready-to-use gels for the separation of your samples in 20 minutes (10cm x 10cm with 10, 12 or 15 sample wells) and the Xpress Botting Kit for homogeneous and complete transfer in 15 minutes onto NC or PVDF membranes:

  • SERVAGel™ HSE - 20 min
  • Xpress Blotting - 15 min
  • BlueBlock PF - 5 min
  • Total process done - 40 min

SERVAGel™ Neutral HSE

Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,15 sample wells SER43249.01 10GELS 252.20
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,12 sample wells SER43245.01 10GELS 252.20
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,10 sample wells SER43246.01 10GELS 252.20
SERVAGel(TM) Neutral HSE,2D-Well SER43247.01 10GELS 252.20
* Prices are subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

Xpress Blotting Kit

for fast Semi-Dry Western Blotting of 10 vertical mini SDS PAGE gels.

Kit contains:
250ml of 10x SERVA Xpress Blotting Buffer, 20x Blotting Fleece sheets (size 80x85 mm) and 10x Connection Paper (size 80x85 mm)

Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
Xpress Blotting Kit,for Western Blotting SER42662.01 1KIT 114.50
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

BlueClear SB for antibody stripping

  • Ready-to-use buffer for efficient stripping of high-affinity antibodies
  • Gentle, fast, simple – incubate the membrane for 30 minutes at RT
  • Without β-mercaptoethanol or DTT
  • Suitable for nitrocellulose and PVDF membranes
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
BlueClear SB,for antibody stripping SER42599.02 1L 185.70
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

SERVA VisiBlot Standard I

  • Ready-to-use, no reconstitution, further dilution or heating required
  • Prestained bands for monitoring electrophoresis and membrane transfer
  • Visualization of marker proteins on Western Blots by horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase-based immune-detection methods (7 bands at 25 kDa, 40 kDa, 60 kDa, 75 kDa, 90 kDa, 120 kDa, and 150 kDa)
  • Molecular weight determination of proteins detected on transfer membrane (3 bands at 25 kDa, 45 kDa, and 85 kDa)
  • For 100 lanes (mini gel format)
Product Cat.-No. Pack Size Price* (CHF) Order
SERVA VisiBlot Standard I, SER39260.01 500µL 450.20
* Price is subject to variable conditions, ex works and excl. VAT

You’ll find more information in Western Blotting brochure from SERVA.

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Molar Mass Calculator

Please enter a molecular formula (case-sensitive: Co = Cobalt, CO = Carbon monoxide) and press "calculate" to get the total molar mass.

Unit Converter

Please select a unit category and the units for conversion.

Periodic Table

Enter the name or symbol of an atom to get detailed information about it.

Konv. Atomgewicht
Std. Atomgewicht
Erste Ionisierungs­energie
Elektro­negativität (Pauling)

PPM to mg/L

The relation between PPM (Parts per Million) and mg/L is dependent on the solute density. Enter the ppm and the solute desity values to find the mg/L ratio.

If you already know the mg/L ratio of your solution, you can also use this PPM to mg/L converter to calculate the molarity This parameter describes the number of moles in a liter of the solution and is expressed in molars (1 M = mol/L).
