Apollo Scientific
High quality fluorochemical products, organic intermediates and biochemical reagents. Also wide range of Biochemicals.

High quality fluorochemical products, organic intermediates and biochemical reagents. Also wide range of Biochemicals.
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Please enter a molecular formula (case-sensitive: Co = Cobalt, CO = Carbon monoxide) and press "calculate" to get the total molar mass.
Enter the name or symbol of an atom to get detailed information about it.
Name | |
Ordnungszahl | |
Konv. Atomgewicht | |
Std. Atomgewicht | |
Erste Ionisierungsenergie | |
Elektronegativität (Pauling) |
The relation between PPM (Parts per Million) and mg/L is dependent on the solute density. Enter the ppm and the solute desity values to find the mg/L ratio.
If you already know the mg/L ratio of your solution, you can also use this PPM to mg/L converter to calculate the molarity This parameter describes the number of moles in a liter of the solution and is expressed in molars (1 M = mol/L).